Saturday, 15 December 2012


Initially, I thought sculpture is the model of building but I am wrong. Based on what I know after explained by the studiomasters, sculpture is something which is aesthetic and abstract presenting.

The theme of the sculpture is 'SUSTAINABILITY'.

1. First and foremost, I decide the materials that I want to use for making my sculpture.

The materials I used are mounting board, bamboo sticks,
polystyrene and cardboard.

2. I plan to make cubes and cuboids to form my sculpture. Thus, I decide the number of cubes and       cuboids with dimensions I'm going to make.

Some cubes and cuboids have been made.

3. Besides that, I also have an idea to put the bamboo sticks as part of my sculpture but the problem is I should present it in what way. Finally, I use the blade to cut the bamboo sticks in different structure instead of being a plane and long stick.

The bamboo sticks after have been cut.

4. After finished making the cubes and cuboids, I colour them with orange yellow, light blue, orange, purple and apple green.

My favourite colour ---- ORANGE YELLOW

5. Combine all the cubes and cuboids with the cardboard as the supporting base.

Cardboard as the supporting base with 4 pieces (Bring the meaning of
humans' responsibility is important to enable the earth
continues supporting human life by achieving sustainability.

The orange yellow boxes are used to form 'S' structure
with the polystyrene as the tip of 'S'.

6. The final work

  • The tip of 'S' has been replaced by the polystyrene with 5 steps which mean many ways must be taken in order to sustain.
  • The cardboard which is supported by the bamboo skewers gives the meaning that even though the condition is getting worst, there still has a choice to overcome it.

I purposely tear the upper sheet of cardboard
to indicate the condition of earth nowadays.

The destroyed bamboo skewers show the discrimination
of culture in community.

The bright colour (Orange yellow) shows we still have the opportunity
 to have a healthy lifestyle if sustainability starts today.

The violet, light blue, orange, white and apple green boxes
 express the aesthetic structure.




After finished the sculpture ---- So messy

After cleaned up :-)

Mr. Jestin Nordin

Group crit

This is the first time I have the chance to make a sculpture, quite satisfied with my sculpture. In fact, I will do a better one in future.

For more info about integrated studio Session 2012/2013, kindly visit

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ah Wei,
    How time flies so fast aye.
    It was back in year 2012/2013 I guest when we did this sculpture project.
    Where are you now, still in Penang, or fly back to Spain already?
